Monday, June 30, 2014

Hospital Saturday Morning - Tague Born Saturday Night

Well it's been a crazy couple of days but Sam and I are happy to say that our little boy made it into this world safe and healthy. He is 6 lbs 12 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. We came up to the hospital Saturday morning concerned because we could t feel him move like I normally do. We decided to go up and have him checked out. His heart rate picked right up but he still wasn't moving very well after a few hours they decided to go ahead and start the cervix softening process. After two doses of the medication I started having little contractions but he wasn't handling it very well his heart rate dropped during my contractions. After another half hour to an hour of monitoring him Dr. Jones (on call) decided that we needed to do a C section. I hadn't dilated at all and so there really wasn't anyway I could have him thru laboring. Once the decision was made it took about a half hour to get me ready and down to the operating room. After we were in there they gave me the spinal tap and morphine and it was a weird feeling being so numb but still feeling pressure and prodding happening. Samuel MonTague Wadsworth came into the world at 8:56 and he is perfect. He has dark hair he is still pretty red in the skin color but he has a blue tint to his eyes. He is a good sleeper but we are struggling to get him to feed really well but it will come with time. He is so amazing and Sam and I are enjoying ever minute of parenthood especially after waiting 41 weeks for him to get here. We love him and can't wait to take him home tomorrow. 

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